At long last, we are very pleased to announce our very own DFNS Sneaker Cleaning Service is now available to people residing in The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.
In just a few easy steps, you can now package up your footwear, send it to us for a professional and sustainable cleaning, and have your sneakers delivered back to your door.
You may be wondering why we’re launching the service when we already provide products for you to clean you kicks at home. Well, DIY sneaker cleaning is great. It’s why we sell our Cleaning Kit. But there are times when a professional sneaker cleaning might be a better option for you.
Not only is it a deeper cleaning experience, but it also takes the stress out of cleaning your kicks. Perhaps you want to get multiple pairs cleaned at once and are short on time? Or maybe you have some special pairs that you really want to leave to the experts?
That’s where we come in.
Our team of professional Sneaker Cleaners have thousands of hours of experience cleaning kicks of all shapes, sizes and materials. Whatever you send, beaters or Balenciagas, rest assured you’re in safe hands. Once your sneakers arrive in our Cleaning Centre they will be treated to a deep steam cleaning and scrubbed with our own sustainable cleaning products.
Think of it like a spa day for your kicks!
Caring for your footwear not only keeps them looking great, it’s also a simple way to contribute to a more sustainable future. Longer sneaker life means less waste and lower environmental impact.
So what are you waiting for? Book yourself a service now!